Prevent "Duplicate IDs" Due to High Influx of Patients with XM Directory | XM Community
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We have been hosting a survey where upon opening the link the following occurs: 

  1. A user is given an ID using embedded data, we’ve used two ways - using ID${piped text for quota count} OR ID${random number between 1-10000}
  2. In this survey, the user authenticated based on that ID and contact list within the XMDirectory includes a unique passcode
  3. After participants take the first survey, their contact information is saved to a new directory list and that list includes a passcode. For the “second” survey, participants are authenticated using the ID and passcode (at a later time point)

The above system has been working very well, except when we send out “blasts” to thousands of new participants. When this happens, multiple participants open the survey at the same time and end up with the same ID. This means for the subsequent survey, everyone gets “locked out”. I’ve tried moving the authenticator in the survey flow and adding “dummy pages” (e.g., a brief intro page where they have to read the information) and then it goes to the first question where the embedded data/authentication happen. 


Does anyone have any advice or experience in this situation and how to handle large influxes of participants while using embedded data to give an ID and authenticator? 

  1. A user is given an ID using embedded data, we’ve used two ways - using ID${piped text for quota count} OR ID${random number between 1-10000}

@emiele I suggest use the Survey metadata: Response ID for absolute uniqueness.

I used to have a quite similar case where I have to provide unique ID for prize check of a lucky spin after a customer feedback.
Let me know if it helps

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