Prevent Multiple Submissions using anonymous link in different browsers and private mode | XM Community
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Hi All,
I have this survey created for a workshop where I want to distribute the survey using anonymous link and no personal data collected. However, I would like to enable "Prevent Multiple Submissions" option but I know this will not work when a different browser, device or private browsing is used.
Is there a way to create a cookie tracker to enable this option for all possibilities?
I cannot use personal/individual links as my audience is very random and I don't know who will be attending the workshop. I just want to collect some data through this survey.
I was going through this page -
But I'm unable to make what which option is best for me.
Any help is appreciated!!

Prevent multiple submissions” is a great deterrent, but can be circumvented by savvy participants clearing their browser cookies, switching to a different web browser, or using a different device. With surveys that have a higher incentive to cheat, consider distributing your survey by email (which creates a unique, one-time use link for each participant) or by using an authenticator.

I've seen this in the support page.. Is there a way around this?

Hi there, Chhavi_Ch's answer looks correct to me - individual links or an open link + authenticator are ways to ensure respondents are only answering the survey 1 time. The Prevent Multiple Submissions feature is helpful but can be circumvented by respondents changing devices or browsers.
The only other tool that I am aware of for this purpose is the RelevantID feature of Qualtrics's Fraud Detection.

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