Programming Gabor Granger Questions without the Specific Tool | XM Community
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I am trying to program a gabor granger study manually in the survey platform (without Qualtrics' specialized gabor granger tool).
My survey logic is incredibly complex to the point that I do not think it is feasible I will be able to program all the permutations needed based on how respondents answer a question.
I have 3 products with 10-12 price points each. Per best practices, I need to randomize the starting price point, and then randomize price points after, based on their previous response until the respondent gets to the max price point they would pay.
If anyone has advice or sample survey logic of how they've done this in the past, I would be forever grateful!!
Thank you so much!

If you are interested, I have a gaborGranger JS function that does this. It only requires one question in a loop & merge block and supports any number of prices.

hi TomG thank you!! That would be super helpful. Thank you!!

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