Provide Dashboard from the "Results" tab in a Excel Format | XM Community
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Hi Community,
I'm looking for a better way to provide updates to my internal client.
We are running a 3 question survey. 
My internal client would like to see daily (workdays), the responses to the survey plus an embedded field and the date the survey was taken. Each daily report should contain all responses collected since the survey began. 
Initially, we will be running the report for 3 months and expect to have about 150 responses.  
I would like to have it run automatically. Like set it and forget it. This has not been happening. 
Through my research and multiple calls to Qualtrics support the only way to provide this information is using the Record Grid widget in the updated Results tab.
I have several issues with this approach:

  • The capacity of this particular widget is only 25 responses. It has been suggested I can add additional Record Grid widgets each time the previous widget gets filled. Have not had to try this suggestion, but it seems like a clumsy approach. Since I have reached 23 responses, I will probably have to do some experimentation. 

  • The second concern is that I have to constantly monitor the length of the PDF.  I am sorting the results to show the newest responses first. As additional responses are collected the older surveys are being cut off unless I go back in and stretch the PDF.  

Any and all suggestions appreciated.

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