Pseudorandomly present blocks | XM Community
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Hi experts,
hope everyone's doing well.
Been struggling with survey flow. I have 100 blocks, and I need to randomly present each block once. The issue is, because the survey is quite long and tedious, I want to present a couple of short breather block after every 30 blocks.
Is there a way to do this on Survey flow without manually dividing it? or without using JS?
Thanks in advance!

Hello nickname,
You can include all the blocks under a Randomizer as shown below and click on Evenly present elements. I hope this solves the issue. Kindly read this support page as well for more information.
image.pngHope this solves the problem.

RandomizerLinking it again.

Hi Deepak, thanks for getting back to me so soon.
The problem I'm having is setting up the survey flow that it shows a "breather block" to the subject after answering every 30 question blocks while keeping the randomizer.
so like Q-Q-Q(30 blocks) -- "breather1" -- Q-Q-Q(30 blocks) -- "breather2" -- so on...
I tried having 3 separate randomizer element with all 100 blocks, have it present 30 at a time with evenly present element box checked, but the issue here was the second and third randomizer showed question blocks that were already shown.
Hope this clears things up a bit.
Thank you so much!

You can include 3 breathers with 4 randomizers, what I mean here is :
**Presuming that you are including 100 blocks after each randomizer
Workaround: A set of 25 blocks in each randomizer and then a breather so it wouldn't repeat in the randomizers below.
QQQQ(25 blocks only below the randomizer)..breather1...Seperate1 25 blocks randomizer.. breather2..Seperate2 (25 blocks randomizer).. breather3..(Seperate4 25 blocks randomizer)
With evenly present elements checked. This should solve your issue of blocks being shown again.

nickname ,
You can do this 3 times except you would display 25 of 100 blocks instead 1 of 4:
image.pngThen do this once:

Thank you so much TomG and Deepak!

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