Published and Draft version | XM Community
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I published a survey project about four weeks ago (9 August). I reviewed my questions in the questionnaire for several after publishing but I did not make any changes. And the sign showed "Published" all the time.
I logged on to Qualtrics again this afternoon to check responses I have received and reviewed few questions (I did not make any changes as well). When the time I want to log out I found the signal "Published" has been turned to "Draft". I was really shocked as I did not make any changes. I checked the version history it shows that three versions have been saved today (see picture attached). My question is:
Q1. Is it normal?
Q2. Will it affect the invitations I sent out? What about future invitation?
Q3. Why this happened?


I have found that visiting your survey in the editor without making any changes will often cause Qualtrics to record it as a new draft. I don't know why it does this, but other users have noticed this behavior. If the draft version you click on says "No changes to show", you shouldn't have anything to worry about with current or future invitations.

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