Put a link in Text | XM Community
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Hello, Im the beginner of using Survey in Qualtrics
Currently, Im trying to put a link, but it is not clickable when I preview it. I am also trying to set a "target" of the link in order to enable displaying it in the same page. However, it still doesn't work.
Anyone can help me for this issue? I really appreciated. thank you very much. 🙏

Hi there, you will want to add your link using the Rich Content Editor. Clicking the Link icon will let you insert a hyperlink and also set a target.

Hi, thank you so much for your response.
Im currently doing it. However, It can't be clicked when its previewed 😢
Is that because of Im using the free account?

Ah yup I think that is the reason. To use most of the Rich Content Editor, you need to have the "Allow All HTML Markup" permission enabled for your account, which is not available for free accounts. Other free account limitations can be found below:

Hi, another one,
if I want to upgrade a plan, which plan that provide "Allow All HTML Markup" permission?
thank you so much

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