Q_Language & SONA ID combined | XM Community
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I am working on a multi-site project and I have created different versions of the same survey.
Let's say I want to distribute a different link according to each different site. Let's say that the site is called: Rome. the link would be: https:blablalink? Q_Language=Rome. So I have to only add ?Q_Language=Rome (or the other name of the sites).
However I also need to store the IDs of participants for the Sona System for which I should add the following line of code in the link: ?id=%SURVEY_CODE%.
However If I combine the two in the main link, like: https:blablalink? Q_Language=Rome??id=%SURVEY_CODE%.
IT won't work! How can I do that? I want to have a different link for each translations, but I want that each translations keep track of the SONA ID too.

Thank you for your help!

First I would note that "Rome" is not a valid entry for Q_Language. Q_Language or Q_lang will be looking for a code that represents a language (EN, IT, FR, ZH-T, etc)
That aside, if you want your link to include multiple Query Strings, one for site / location (let's say, Location=Rome, just to avoid the Q_Language confusion), and one for the the Sona ID (let's say, that is called SID in your embedded data and an example is SID=12345678)
Then the syntax of your link is going to be (pardon the spaces to ensure this will post)
https: //company. qualtrics.com / jfe/form/SV_xxxxxxxxxxxxx?Location=Rome&SID=12345678
So if you ALSO wanted the survey link to include a language (eg. Language=English(EN) or Italian (IT), I use English below and Location=Rome and Sona ID=12345678) then you would use
https: //company. qualtrics.com / jfe/form/SV_xxxxxxxxxxxxx?Q_lang=EN&Location=Rome&SID=12345678
So basically, the FIRST query string is attached to your survey URL by a ?
Any/all additional query strings are attached to your survey URL with an & (not with ?? as in your example above)
I hope that helps!

Thanks for the info.
It works 🙂

there is another problem with the redirect link.
For instance I created different version of the Qualtrics link by creating a different language for each site. For instance I named a new version of the Qualtrics "WITT" because it's the first 4 letters of that site's univ. corresponing link would be https: //company. qualtrics.com / jfe/form/SV_xxxxxxxxxxxxx?Q_language=WITT

I want people from that site to be redirected to another Qualtrics at the end of the survey, thus I put the following embed function in the survey flow:

Schermata 2022-02-16 alle 10.42.31.pngand this works. If i press to that link participants will have a different version of the main survey. HOWEVER what is not working is the redirect link that I put when I customize the survey.
The link is https://forms.office.com/Pages/xxxx
I wonder that maybe it is not working because I have to write it differently such as :
or http//www.https://forms.office.com/Pages/xxxx

I tried with www.google.com and it worked, but it seems is not working with this redirect link. Do you know why?

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