QR code to Point to survey and prefill some survey fields | XM Community
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Is it possible to create a QR code that does two things:

  1. Directs the user to a specific Qualtrics survey

  2. Fills out a few fields (for example: course name, publication name, publication number, or revision level)

Situation - I have 200+ online courses that have a post-survey. Rather than create a pull-down of 200+ course titles (which users will never allow) I have kept it as an open field. However, while the course name is simple, I get alternative spellings. Therefore, I cannot filter easily.
Would like the QR code at the end of the "Lithium-Ion" course to send the user to a qualtrics post-course survey and then fill out "lithium-ion" for the survey course field.

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/23560/qr-code-to-point-to-survey-and-prefill-some-survey-fieldsQualtrics generated QR code will only redirect you to anonymous link of survey. But if you can create a QR code outside Qualtrics of the link with your query parameters and place it at the end of your survey that should work fine. Or an integration with outside services to create QR code real time.
Hope it helps!

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