Question randomization | XM Community
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Hi there,
I made a survey where people are shown 2 short questionnaires. The intention is for both questionnaires that questions are shown randomly, so that there is no effect caused by a certain order. This was no problem for the first questionnaire since it consisted of 14 simple multiple choice questions.
BUT the randomization is a problem for questionnaire 2. In the second (block) questionnaire people are supposed to read about a certain behavior and answer 2 questions for each behavior. They have to rate 'how harmfull' and 'how much blame it deserves'. The problem is that when I randomize the questions, these 2 questions are also randomized and no longer linked for 1 type of behavior. How can I fix this? I thought about creating a new block (consists of 2 questions) for each behavior and randomise over blocks but this seems like a lot of work?
I hope someone can enlighten me,

Wimpel2 If you don't want to create a different block for each set of questions, I would use a "side by side" question type. Screenshot example below.

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