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Completely new user here and I want to collect data about who attends to help us facilitate our events. I want to collect their name, how long they were there, what department they are from, and what role they played in the event. I set up a side by side question with columns to collect this info but I can't get the results or report views I'm looking for. Ideally, I'd like to have it where I could sort or filter by any of these columns and it also allow me to choose what other columns I'd like associated with that entry. For instance, it would be great to filter by department and see the names associated with that department and how many hours they spent at our events or get total hours for each department. With the current set up it is giving me results for each column individually but not linking or correlating them to the other adjacent columns. Sometimes we have 1 or 2 facilitators and sometimes we have 12. I've tried searching the community and looking for tips online but I'm not sure I know the right search terms to use to give me good results. I realize I'm trying to capture a lot of info in one question and happy to set it up in a different fashion if anyone has any suggestions.
Thank you for any assistance/advice!
Facilitator question.png

Hi Mezz ,
Since Qualtrics won't structure the data the way you're trying to analyze it, your best option will be to export it to something like Excel, transform it the way you want it, and analyze it there. MatthewM ,
Thank you! I was able to tinker with it some more and I was beginning to come to that conclusion as well so thank you for helping solidify that. I was able to format the question in the results tab and added my other three columns from my side by side question so that each of those four column question/answers would display next to each other in the exported .csv file. I'll go with that method for now.
I wish that I was able to have some sort of logic to do multiple entries, one at a time, in the same question (like a next button to submit an entry to that question and allow me to enter another person but keep them all in the same survey). That way I wouldn't need 12 separate fields for potential facilitators. All those fields make my csv file pretty messy but I can still work around it with filtering in excel.

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