Quotas, randomization and redirection links | XM Community
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Hi everyone! I have a question regarding quotas, randomization and redirection links. I have 18 lists of words to be evaluated, these 18 lists are presented randomly. I also have 4 socio-demographic questions (age, gender, job and region of residence). For each of the 18 word lists, I have a different quota for age, for gender, for job and for region of residence. So I created 18 blocks (each one including the four socio-demographic questions and one of the word lists). This allows me to put different quotas for each word list and to present in a random way only one of the list per participant, which is cool! Putting the socio questions at the beginning of the survey, in a different block, would not allow me to get different quotas for each list. However, I also have an exclusion condition (anyone under 18 is excluded) and my blocks are presented randomly, which automatically cancels out my page breaks. Concretely, the 4 socio-demographics questions (on which my quotas are based) are on the same page as the list of words participants are asked to evaluate. This forces the participant to evaluate the whole list of words, before being able to move to the next page and, possibly, realize that she/he is excluded from the survey or that the quota is already reached. By doing so, I risk wasting her/his time... (the list of words are quite long!)

So my question is, is there a way to link each word list to quotas and exclusion conditions that will be enforced BEFORE the participant evaluates the word list? As a reminder, if my socio-demographic questions are not in the same block as my word list, I can't make different quotas for each word list. At least, not to my knowledge. Is there a way to get around this problem? Many thanks in advance for your help!

Put a question at the beginning of the survey that asks if the respondent is 18 or over. If no, send them to the end of the survey. If yes, present the word lists/demographics as they are currently set up.

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