Random ID and follow up survey | XM Community
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for my thesis I am about to publish my survey which needs to have a follow up survey two weeks after the first one was answered. However, since I do not know whom my participants will be, I need to generate some sort of ID through which I can identify the responses in both.
How do I create an ID that does not depend on the E-Mail address? And how can I handle the two week follow up survey?
Thanks in advance,

I am assuming you will be distributing the surveys through XM Directory contact list.
While adding sample/contact, you can add a tracking variable that you can use for tracking responses for both survey.
For your second question about sending another survey after 2 weeks, you can use first survey "Actions" tab

  1. Create an action -> Event based

  2. Select Survey response from the menu -> Response created

  3. Add Task -> XM Directory -> Distribute survey and choose all desired options including after 14 days to send the survey.

All the best for your thesis!

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