Randomising timed blocked questions | XM Community
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Hello everyone,

I am currently building an experiment for uni using qualtrics.
Currently each question has 3 blocked timed sections

  1. a 30 second timed picture

  2. a 10 second timed white screen

  3. a 30 second time response questions.

  4. we have a total of 30 pictures sets (15 for a control group and 15 for the experimental group)

What we want to know is there a way to have qualtrics first randomise our participants to one of two groups with the corresponding set of 15 pictures
a picture set has 3 block sections that are timed (30 sec - picture, 10 second screen, and 30 sec question)

Hi Tanz - check out this support resource about the Randomizer feature within the Survey Flow. If you create two different blocks for each group (control and experimental) , you'll be able to randomly present either block to a participant.  If you have any follow up questions, please be sure to reach out to our Support team, as they are best equipped to help!

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