Randomization: A1 A2 OR A3 THEN B1, B2 OR B3 | XM Community
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Hi I have what I thought was a fairly simple design but which have turned out to be harder than I thought to set up. Any help much appreciated!
I have three conditions to which I want to randomly assign individuals. Each condition contains 15 questions that are to be presented in random order. So far no worries. However each question in each condition have different versions of them (so example: Question A has A1, A2 and A3 version of the question). I want the participants in each condition to randomly see one of three versions for each question, and for this to continue throughout the survey (so first you see say A2, then B1, then C3 and so on). How do I set this up?
What I tried was to create one block for condition 1 first, with 15x3 questions in it (in the order of A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3 ...), but now I can't figure out how to create a rule to make it behave like I want.

Could you expand on your issue? I am not sure if I follow. Based on what you are saying now - I feel like three randomization points would work, but I fear I may be misunderstanding your issue. Perhaps with an image of your current survey flow?

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/44178#Comment_44178Thank you for your effort!
I'm afraid the survey flow won't help at this point, as so far it's only one block with 45 items in it.
But I have tried to draw the logic/flow. See if this maybe clear things up!
Skärmavbild 2022-03-02 kl. 11.52.33.pngSo first randomization is condition.
Second randomization is which order each item (A-Q) is presented in.
Third randomization is for each item (A-Q) which version is showed (A1, A2 or A3).
Example: First you end up in condition 2, then you see the "condition 2 item C" (C is different for each condition). Then you see version 3 (C3) of the condition 2 item C.
I feel that I am hopeless att explaining this, so sorry. Did I just make it more confusing?

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/44179#Comment_44179Okay, thank you for explaining, it definitely helped! I've tried a couple of different techniques and I believe I have come up with the 'least' effortful. Long story short it is possible, but it is also complex so lots of rooms for errors, so please make sure to test thoroughly before launching. I list the steps below and reference the images where appropriate. Feel free to reply and ask clarification questions.

Step 1. Create whatever tasks/questions are unique for each condition. I assume there is something that differentiates Condition 1, from 2 and 3 in your image. In my example, I simply created three different blocks and labeled them Condition X, that way to show you where they should exist in the survey flow.

Step2. So the first thing I have in the survey flow is a randomizer, where I indicate I only want 1 of the 3 conditions presented, and I tick the box to have them presented evenly. I then created three groups using the grouping tool in survey flow. One for each condition. It should look like the image below (ignore the hidden elements for now).
grouping variable.pngStep 3. Now I would create an embedded data variable below each condition, so that you get a data point in your output to know what condition they were in. This is done by clicking 'add below' on the group block, selecting embedded data, and then filling out the embedded data point to say 'Condition' in the first blank, then the relative number in the second blank - in this case it is '1'. Then drag your Condition 1 question block under the embedded data point. You should repeat this for each condition. You can see it being complete for condition 1.
condition 1.png
Step 4. Create a block for each question you want and there relative version. For example, one block should be block A, with A1, A2, and A3....AX in it. Repeat this for each block. See image below for Block A example.
A1.pngStep 5. On the question block for each series of questions (A, B, C.....Z), click on the BLOCK, not the question, then in left corner click 'question randomization'. See image below.
question randomization.png Step 6. In the pop up window, select "Present only XX of total questions" and fill in the blank with the number 1. This will randomly select one version of that question (e.g, A1, A2, A3) and present it to participants. Make sure to do this for each question block (e.g., B, C, D....). See image below.
only 1.pngStep 7. In your survey flow, now place a randomizer under the condition block, then drag each question block (A, B, C, D....Z) under that randomizer. Make sure the randomizer displays each block by typing in the total number of blocks in the "randomly present X of the following elements. For example, if you have question A through C, that is 3, so you should put 3. That way each participant answers all the questions, but in a random order. See image below.
final randomization.pngStep 8. To save time, simply click duplicate on the randomizer. This will duplicate the same elements below that. Then drag that randomizer with all the elements below it, to the same location in Conditions 2 and 3. See image below for duplicate.
duplicate.pngThe final survey flow should like this. I can only get two conditions to show on the screen at one time.
full final.png

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have follow up questions.

Wow! Amazing! Thank you so much, I’ll get back to you if I run into any issues but this seems to be exactly what I need.

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