Randomize visual stimuli of two types with variable proportions + randomize question | XM Community
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Thank you sincerely to anyone helping us!

I am dealing with a complex setup with the following features:

  • I need to expose respondents to 12 visual stimuli (pictures) and then ask a question
  • the visual stimuli are randomly extracted from a large pool of about 200 pictures
  • the visual stimuli are of two types (A, 😎, although this is not set anywhere in Qualtrics and currently it is only in the name of the files containing the pictures
  • the proportion of visual stimuli is an experimental condition with three groups, so 1/3 of respondents must receive 25% A and 75% B; 1/3 receives 50% A and 50% B; and 1/3 of respondents receive 75% A and 25% B. 
  • the question is another experimental condition with two groups of equal size, and it can be one of two questions (Q1 or Q2). 

I am trying to achieve the following:  

  1. respondents are randomly assigned to a condition relating the proportion of visual stimuli and a random question (Q1 or Q2)
  2. respondents receive the 12 pictures / stimuli in a mixed order (i.e., not first all the As and then all the Bs, but the 12 pictures should be randomly visualized)
  3. respondents in the same page below the picture take either Q1 or Q2.

What I did so far: 

  1. Set embedded data `question` either equal `Q1` or `Q2` with a randomizer (this is easy because 50-50 can be easily obtained with “evenly present elements):


  2. Set embedded data for the proportion of visual stimuli of the picture type A (also easy):  


  3. Thank you to anyone helping us!

Hi ​@000andy31

I’m having a similar issue in my study design. I was wondering if you were able to solve this issue? I’m also stuck at the step 3. Would be great if you could share how you solved this issue.


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