Randomizer presenting elements evenly when the feature is disabled | XM Community
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I'm using multiple branch with display conditions inside a randomizer (see below).
branches.PNGThere are 6 other branches that have the same block structure beneath them.
Display condition refers to the last question of each branch, and I want any remaining branches that have not been shown to participants yet to be skipped (not shown) if their answer to the last question is "make the purchase" instead of "keep searching."
The display condition works well. In the preview, if I select "keep searching" then the randomizer shows the next randomly selected branch. If I select "make the purchase" in the last question of that last branch, then remaining branches are not shown, and I move to the end of survey.
The problem is that even though I disabled "evenly present elements," the branches seem to be displayed evenly nonetheless. I tried two times, and have yet to get the same branch more than once. I guess "evenly present elements" still randomizes elements without replacement? Is there a way I can make it so that an element that has been shown can be shown again to the same participant?

The randomizer won't show the same element to participants twice. If you have 7 elements in your branch and tell it to randomly display 7 of those elements (i.e., all of them) then it will display those 7 elements in a random order, without replacement. The "evenly present elements" feature is useful when you only want to display a subset of your elements. "Evenly present elements" does not toggle with/without replacement, to my understanding.
I think displaying the same element twice within the randomizer would essentially be overwriting the data... I can't imagine that's what you would want to happen, but, maybe it is?
If you really want the option for respondents to see/answer the same block of questions multiple times, then you might try duplicating those blocks in your Builder and adding those blocks as additional elements in that randomizer.

I agree with lizb311 if you want to be potentially showing a participant the same block twice, you should not be using the randomization function. You could try duplicating the blocks as suggested, but be careful doing this, if you simply duplicate the block in the survey flow, but not the survey builder itself, qualtrics will overwrite the previous data that participant put in for that question with what they answer it as the second time, and ultimately only report their final answer.
Side note: I am confused why in your presented image, you don't have the blocks themselves under the randomizer that you want randomized, but just straight to a branching element.

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