Randomizing Blocks while having some always appearing | XM Community
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I am currently doing a survey for my Master’s Thesis and I am in a bit of a predicament. I have 7 blocks. And I want to randomly select 4 of them to each participant. But from those 4 I want to have 2 that will always appear for each participant, regarding of order. That is, they can appear at 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. But I don’t know if this is possible to do. What I have for now is a first randomization of those 2 to appear in first or second, and a second randomization of the other 5 (only 2 will be selected as well). But this is not ideal. Can someone help me? Is it possible to do ? I already tried many times without success and tried to search for this but, strangely, I did not find anything.

Hi @Gongas_2001 You can do it with the help of randomizer itself. You can choose any of the 2 solutions provided below.

Solution 1:

This set up will always display block 2  but only at 1st or 4th place.  

Solution 2: This is a lengthy setup but it will display block 2 at 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th place.

STEP 1: Define the embedded data at the start of the survey flow.

You can name it as you like, I have avoided “2” because we don’t need it.

 STEP 2: Create a randomizer with branch logics.

A parent randomizer with value ‘4’,  inside which we will have a child randomizer with value as ‘1’ which will pick any one block. The branch logic will check if the embedded data value is empty then it will display the respective block and assign the embedded data value for the same.
This child randomizer setup will be repeated 2 more times, in total 3 times.
NOTE: Do not include block 2 in the randomizer as it will be shown always, which is explained in the step 5. 

STEP 3: Duplicate child randomizer 2.

STEP 4: Duplicate child randomizer 3.

STEP 5: Insert block 2 in the parent randomizer as it is with no branch logic.

This is how your whole setup will look like.
Parent randomizer will pick all the 4 groups one by one inside which will child randomizer will do its work and the block 2 will be shown always.

NOTE: There is no such thing as parent and child randomizer in Qualtrics, I just used these terms for the explanation.

Thank you so much @omkarkewat. You have really helped me. Not only is working perfectly, but I also learned more about logics and functions of the qualtrics. Again, thank you so much for the time and attention when explaining all of it to me :)

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