Randomizing two questions within block with follow-up question | XM Community
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Dear reader,
I am currently making a survey but I am a bit stuck. I am testing 8 different blocks that each have two scenarios. I have randomised the 8 blocks so the respondent only receives 1 out of 8 blocks. Now within a block, I have two questions (matrix tables) that I want both to be shown in a randomised order. However, after one of these two questions, I want another question to follow-up on it before going to the second scenario question.
To make it a bit more clear:
Question 1 [scenario text]+ [question 1a]
[question 1b]
Question 2 [scenario text]+ [question 2a]
[question 2b]
I want question 1a and 2a to be provided in a randomised order (so advanced randomisation ,present 1 question on each page is what i did), but i want question 1b and 2b to follow up from 1a and 2a before qualtrics moves on toward the next scenario. As it is a randomisation within block it does not allow me to apply display logic. I hope I made it clear enough and thanks for your help in advance

You could use nested survey flow randomizers and break your Q1a/Q1b and Q2a/Q2b questions into separate blocks:
Randomizer 1 of 8
Group 1
Randomizer 2 of 2
Block Q1a-Q1b
Block Q2a-Q2b
Group 2

Hi Tom,
Thank you for your comment? Does that mean I will eventually have 16 blocks? (As I initially have 8 scenarios).
How do I make sure that if a respondent gets group 1, they are also assigned to group 2 and not to a different group out of the 16?
Also, where do I find the option for a nested survey flow? I'm sorry but I am relatively new to Qualtrics. Thank you!

Does that mean I will eventually have 16 blocks? (As I initially have 8 scenarios).

How do I make sure that if a respondent gets group 1, they are also assigned to group 2 and not to a different group out of the 16?

They will only be assigned to one of the 8 scenarios. Each group represents a scenario and the randomizer will assign 1 of 8.
Also, where do I find the option for a nested survey flow? I'm sorry but I am relatively new to Qualtrics.

You would set up the survey flow similar to the survey flow I outlined in my previous message.

Thank you so much Tom! I think I figured it out 🙂.

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