Randomizing two subsets with display logic | XM Community
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Hi all, I have a specific way I want to randomize my questions. I would really appreciate the help!

I have two separate pools of questions. From pool #1, I want to randomly include 50 of its 116 possible questions to each participant. From pool #2, I want to include all 25 possible questions. All questions from both pools also have display logic (i.e., if the participant answers either two of the four possible answer choices, then a second question follows). I would like to interleave the randomized questions from Pools #1 and #2. Ideally, the original and display logic questions would be on the same page. Is there any way to do this? Thanks!!

Use Randomizer from survey flow, the best and convienient way although it might require some time to execute. You can also use block level randomization to achieve the same.

@rgupta15 Thank you for the suggestion! After looking into the Randomizer from survey flow, is there a way to separately randomize the two aforementioned pools? Because I want questions from the two pools to be mixed together after they are randomly selected accordingly, I am unsure of how to place the Randomizers in the survey flow such that the way why I randomize pool #1 doesn’t affect pool #2. It doesn’t look like I can place two separate Randomizers, since then the pools will not mix, nor can I place one Randomizer under another since it would disrupt the randomizing of the first pool.

Alternatively, the problem I run into when I turn off the in-page display logic but have both pools in the same block is that the question randomization also randomizes the display logic questions. I cannot find a way for them to appear only if its original question is randomly selected. I know there is the advanced randomization option to keep certain items fixed and others randomized, and while I could certainly keep the items from Pool #2 in a fixed position, when I do the same for the display logic questions, they appear regardless of if its original question was randomly selected or not. Is there a way to fix this? And assuming I am indeed able to find a way around this, is there an option to additionally randomize the order of the questions?


For instance, here is how the advanced randomization looks like:

The words that are alone (i.e., elbow, precede, etc.) are the original questions, and the display logic questions are the ones that begin with “What was the color…”. The last two words of this list (realism and empire) and their logic questions are from Pool #2, while the rest are from Pool #1. How should I arrange these questions (along with the directions, which counts as a question)?


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