Randomly present questions from two different pools | XM Community
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I would like to randomize questions from two different pools: One pool with 14 questions, all of them to be presented to each participant and the other pool with 40 questions from which I would like to present only a random sample of 14 questions. All these 28 questions should be presented in random order (advanced randomization does not work for me, if I create a random subset there, the questions appear in the predefined order (e. g. pool 1, pool 2 etc.), but I need it to be completely random for each participant. And I also need the reaction times for each question.. Any idea on how I can do it would be much appreciated! Many thanks in advance!

I think you can use the randomizer to do what you want to, but it takes 2 steps to accomplish it: either a randomizer in the survey flow and randomization on a survey block (Qualtrics yells at you about the nested logic, though it seems to work, but that doesn't give you question timing options) or two randomizers, one to set which content should be seen and one to put all the content in front of the respondent in randomized order).
You have 14 static questions # 1-14 for all respondents
You have 40 variable questions #15-55 of which 14 will be shown.
UPDATED: put each question on its own block, and put a timing question (not displayed to the respondent) in the block with it. This will give you the ability to time each question.

  • Go to survey flow

  • Create a separate embedded data step for each of the variable questions (eg Q15=Show, Q16=Show, Q17=Show) [sorry in my screen shot I just used Q1,Q2,Q3 but the hopefully you get the idea)

  • Put the 40 separate embedded data steps into a randomizer step, and set it to show 14 of them. Qualtrics will randomly select 14 of the fields to "Show" - now you have something to use to present the content later.

  • example.pngMove the randomizing to the TOP of the survey, before a single thing has been shown the respondent. The survey has already determined what they will see, but now you can lay it out as you desire.

  • Below the randomizer that is determining order, create a new randomizer that includes the separate blocks for each question. The static question blocks can simply be placed in there; for the variable questions, use branch logic to determine if they are seen or not (show the block with Q15 if Q15 = Show, show the block with Q16 if Q16=Show) etc.

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