Rank selected answers from several previous questions | XM Community
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I am desperately trying to do the following:

  1. I have 6 questions (from 6 categories, in my case: medication types), each contains some 20 items

  2. I want to add a question where all selected items from those previous 6 questions can be ranked by drag-and-drop.

  3. Ideally the items in this question would be auto-filled, just like in "Carry forward choices".

There used to be a way how to do this, but I can't recall how. Carry forward choices does allow only selected choices from one previous question.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance,

One way is to add all the choices from the 6 questions (120) to your ranking question and add display logic to each choice.
You might consider combining your 6 questions into one question and use choice groups for the categories. That would allow the use of carry forward.

Thanks for your answer
To combine all choices for the previous questions in 1 question would make the question explode... I don't think it can be reasonably answered like this...
I didn't find out how to include all choices fro the 6 answers into that 1 last question: "Carry forward choices" allows only choices from one singe question to be displayed. No other logic seems to be helpful here, either.
Do you - and all over Quatrics folks - have any other idea how to realize this?

Can maybe someone give me another hint how to realize this?

Come on, guys, I would really really deeply appreciate any word of help... I'm kind if desperate, the project is on hold just because of this issue...
Thanks to all giving its a try!
Best, Michael

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/43111#Comment_43111See the first sentence of my earlier answer.

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/43112#Comment_43112You're right, sorry for that! I thought there might be an automatic way to populate the question...

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