'Reference survey'-option is missing when adding a new element | XM Community
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Dear all,
I have followed this guide (https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/survey-module/survey-flow/advanced-elements/reference-surveys/) to make use of reference surveys, however, the 'Reference survey'-element is not present in my case. How come this is this the case? Attached is a screenshot that shows that the 'Reference survey'-element is missing.
Screenshot 2022-04-14 at 10.27.24.pngThanks in advance! I hope you can help me with solving this issue!

Contact your Qualtrics Brand Administrator and ask them to enable the "Use Reference Blocks" permission on your account.

Argh! Thanks TomG!
There is no other URL randomizer out there, available online and free?

If you don't mind the data being in different surveys, you could create a 'redirector' survey whose only purpose it to send the respondent to one of the random surveys. In it simplest form it would just be a randomizer with End of Survey blocks below it customized to redirect to the different surveys (set them all to screenout responses since you don't care about the 'redirect' survey response data).

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