Refresh choice options of a single multi choice question | XM Community
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In a multi-choice question, I loaded 200 images using HTML code but set it to display 10 images randomly.
Some participants may think 10 images are not enough, so I want to realize a function where participants can click something to refresh the initial 10 images and then randomly show another 10 images.
I wonder is there a way to do this? Thanks for any insights and help.

In addition, is there a way I can directly sample 10 images from my graphic library for the multi-choice question instead of sampling from the loaded 200 images in the question?

Some participants may think 10 images are not enough, so I want to realize a function where participants can click something to refresh the initial 10 images and then randomly show another 10 images.

I wonder is there a way to do this? Thanks for any insights and help.

Yes, carry forward the 'Not displayed' choices to a second multiple choice question, then randomly show 10 just like you did in the first MC question.
In addition, is there a way I can directly sample 10 images from my graphic library for the multi-choice question instead of sampling from the loaded 200 images in the question?

It is technically possible, but complicated. You would need to use a webservice and the REST API to get the images. In addition, the resulting data would be messy. You would need to unwind it to figure out how the answers map back to the images. Therefore, I wouldn't recommend it.

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