Reminder emails and Multiple Completes | XM Community
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Can anyone help me with the following survey scenario:
I am surveying grad students and their research advisors. I created similar surveys - one for grad students and one for advisors. The grad student would fill the survey out about their relationship with their research advisor and the advisor would fill it out on their relationship with the grad student.
I think the easiest way to send out this survey is to create a contact list that would include grad student names and email addresses. I would then send an email via Qualtrics to the grad students to complete the grad student survey. I would set up a few reminders for them to fill this out. In the survey, they would provide the name and email address of their research advisor.
I'd like the completed survey response to trigger an email to their research advisor to fill out the advisor survey for the grad student who just completed the grad student survey version.
Because research advisors can have multiple students, I'd like for them to be able to fill out the survey multiple times. But I'd like for them to know which student to fill it out for. (e.g., Dear Dr. Smith, Your student Sarah just completed this survey about your relationship. Would you click this link [link to advisor survey] to complete the survey regarding your relationship with Sarah?). If John were to fill out the survey about Dr. Smith, Dr. Smith would then get another email saying John filled it out and they need to fill it out again but for John.
Here are my specific questions:
1) I know I can select Multiple Completes to allow research advisors to fill this out multiple times. But that I can't set up reminder emails when I use this option. Can anyone figure out a workaround since the advisor will be filling this out for specific students? I.e., could I use a unique identifier based on the student's response to allow those reminder emails?
2) In some rare cases, a grad student might have multiple advisors - is there a workaround to send them reminders if they are allowed to fill it out multiple times?
3) I want to merge the data so that in one row, I would have the grad student's responses about their advisor and the advisor's responses about their grad student. I planned on using names and email addresses from both to merge the data (both would fill this out in their respective surveys). But is there an easier way to match these responses in Qualtrics?
4) Are there any issues with this that I'm missing or elements I could add to make this even smoother? I'm happy to chat privately if that's easiest!

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