Repeated set of questions after each message | XM Community
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Hi all!

I'm trying to build a pilot test where I'm showing participants some messages that they have to rate by answering a defined set of questions. Specifically, I have a total of 24 messages, each participants will see one of 8 block of 3 messages each (which I randomized in the survey flow). After each message participants should answer three questions: the questions are the same after each message. I tried two strategies: one is to just copy paste the questions after each message, which works but I'm going to have a huge and mess dataset. The second one is with loop and merge: I managed to set it so that I have the questions repeated three times, but Qualtrics presents them after participants see all three messages (while I need them after each one). Does someone have a solution?

This is the logic I used in each question that has to be repeated (EFG, EFL,… are the messages, I put only 6 as a trial)

And this is the logic is specified in the loop and merge settings in the block that has to be repeated.

Wouldn’t showing the same question on loop record only the last input here, not sure if that makes sense 

You’ll indeed want to use loop & merge on a block containing 4 questions: a question presenting your message and the 3 follow-up questions.

In the loop & merge option you’ll check randomize loop order and choose the number of loops presented.

You’ll indeed want to use loop & merge on a block containing 4 questions: a question presenting your message and the 3 follow-up questions.

In the loop & merge option you’ll check randomize loop order and choose the number of loops presented.

@vgayraud I’m not sure I understand what you mean: you're suggesting to create 24 blocks each with the message and the follow-up questions? Or do you mean just adding one in the block with the follow-up that will present each time the different message? If so, how can I do that?

Basically something like that (I reduced the number of blocks and messages)


Basically something like that (I reduced the number of blocks and messages)


@vgayraud and is it also possible to randomize the order of presentation of the messages? Because with randomize loop order I randomize the blocks, which is great, but I would also need the different messages (in your example Message 1a and Message 1b) to be presented in a random order to avoid order effects.

Then you cannot use loop & merge, you’ll need a double randomizer in the survey flow. Something like that :



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