Resend opened/incomplete tickets to original recipient + new recipients | XM Community
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We have a bunch of open tickets that we are wanting to “double down” and address. The request that was given to me was to resend the ticket email notification to the ticket assignee and also include additional people (their senior leaders) on that ticket email. I know that I can reassign tickets and that will trigger an email to be sent again, but it’s automated and to the best of my knowledge I cannot CC others that route. Is there a way to mass resend ticket emails and include additional people on those emails?

@kgillis Would it work for you to create a ticket team with the leaders and the reassign the ticket to them? 


I believe for the same tickets you cannot resend them, you can either create sub ticket manually or you can email them and CC people via email task.

You can export Open Tickets and use that ticket data to send emails via email task in automated manner by running workflow on import data and importing ticket data.

Also, you can mock that ticket email HTML by creating a link in the below URL manner and adding the fields mentioned via piped text.

https://{Organization ID}{Ticket Number}&LoginAction=TicketsSection#/

I know this is long route but still better than assigning manually.

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