Respondendts received email trigger that I didn't set up | XM Community
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Hi all,

I have received an email reply to what seems to be an email trigger that I have not set up for my survey.
The respondent received the email that I used as a probe that I deleted before I published the survey.
I have checked the email trigger options, and there are no email triggers set up.
It is not in my research plan to send email triggers.
What might be the issue?
If anyone has had this issue before, I would appreciate it if you share what you did to resolve it.

Hi IrenAng ,
I've never had an issue like this before. All I can think of are unlikely explanations. Perhaps somehow the respondent completed a link to the version of the survey from before you removed the trigger and published it again. Or, is it possible that an Action with an email task, which resembles the Trigger, was somehow set up?

I have checked the Actions section, I have not set any action.
I sent the participants an email (from my personal email, not through qualtrics) and let them know to discard such an email.
Thanks for the reply, MatthewM.

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