Response Rate Calculations | XM Community
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Hi all,
I am planning on calculating the overall response and completion rates myself as I have utilised anonymous links and have kept track of who the survey has been sent to - but I am struggling to figure out if Qualtrics offers a way to calculate/locate other metrics such as unique site visitors (e.g. the number of unique visits to the front page of the survey). I have IP tracking selected so was hopeful Qualtrics would be capturing this data.
I need these numbers to report participation rates etc.
Thanks in advance!

I think the best you can do is count the number of incomplete responses in Data & Analysis to compute the completion or abandon rate.

Perhaps more complex that you bargained for, but you could use a web service call and an external database to record each click in. Then another web service call to update the records. A database query would perform the calculations.

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