Retake response link that saves new data entered | XM Community
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When a respondent submits a survey response early accidentally and we issue a "Retake response link" so they can edit their response.
However, the behaviour of the "Retake response link" is that it begins a new session from the point the survey was submitted each time its clicked on (or sometimes only if the respondent changes browser or device). Is there another type of link we could use that doesn't have this behaviour?

Or can we re-open the original link in some way, that would save a lot of admin.

Hi, I stumbled upon this and learnt about the 'retake response link' so thanks.
In the past I had used these methods, as i didn't know of this featuure. Unsure they help, but thought i would add as i have used in the past:

  • In the 'Data & Analysis' tab you can click on the three dots next to someone's response and 'retake response' but this only allows you to input the new correct information not the respondent.

  • You could also look to change the settings of the survey and the use the feature 'allow respondents to finish later' and ensure there are back buttons for the respondent to go back in the survey to edit their response. Maybe would not work if survey is deemed as 'finished'.

Thanks for responding

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