Retake the survey within a survey | XM Community
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I have a complex survey (for my newbie standards) that I need to create.
When a participant selects from a Yes or No question, he returns to the first question, and his first selection is greyed out or removed from the list of choices.
Here is a sample:
image.pngSo if participant selects A in Q1, then multi-selects Q2, then added a free text feedback, he will be asked if they are done selecting.
IF participants selects no, he goes back to Q1 but A will be gone from the selection, Q2 and Q3 will still be the same. Then same logic until he's done. In real life, the list choices will be more than 10, and one user won't select all 10.
The data also has to be stored every time they select a different response in Q1, because Q2 and Q3 might have different answers per Q1 choice. Which makes me wonder what the data will look like.
Is this possible?

I can't say if it's possible without trying to set it up myself, but I would suggest exploring the Loop & Merge feature. That's one way you can repeat the questions and record the data in separate fields for each iteration. (The other way would be to simply build duplicate survey blocks with the same questions.)
The hide the choices that were selected in a previous iteration(s) of the question, explore the Carry Forward Choices feature.
If Loop & Merge and Carry Forward are not compatible, you'll need to build duplicate survey blocks to use Carry Forward.

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