Reusable choices - dropdown | XM Community
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Is there a way to include 2 columns in an import for reusable choices in a dropdown?
For example, I currently have a list of student names imported into a dropdown list for a survey question. This works great, however, when I export survey results for analysis, I only have the names. I need to have also the student id that aligns to the student name. I need the id to link to an external table for analysis.
Is there a way to have the id column next to the name column in the import to Qualtrics? I don't need the the id to show in the dropdown though, I only need it to pull through in the Data & Analysis export.
Can you please assist?

Thank you!

If the student ids are numeric, you can put them in the 'Recode Value' column. Recodes values can be exported (may depend on export settings for some file types).

Great-but the import is only bringing in the name do I get the id column to import? There are too many students to manually add in the ids. are the column labels in the first row of your import file? They should be

Recode Value

Labels are Display and Recode Values....I just switched to Recode Value and it worked! thank you...

One last thing....The import worked but the Recode Value column does not show in the Data & Analysis export. How can I get that to show/

What file type are you exporting? If it is CSV or something similar, select 'Use numeric values'. To see the ids on the Data & Analysis tab you can click the question column header and select 'View as Numeric Values'.

Ok so I ran the export using text and numeric. I now see the recode values but when I export as numeric all of the other values that I want to see as text are now numbers.
Is there a way to just have recode value next to the name and leave all of the other values text? I would need to run multiple exports and merge them together, if I use this method. putting the id in the

Variable Naming

When I tried variable names, it automatically put the names in that field rather than the id. I tried it though and same result.

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