Reversed the order of survey questions in a saved block, now my data has weird results. | XM Community
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Recently, a decision was made to see about reversing the order that response options appeared in a saved question block for our company's end of course survey. No one thought that this would be an issue as the question order was simply reversed.
But today it was discovered that things indeed get changed, and not in a way that makes any sense. We have 4 questions on on our survey, with 5 response options...providing us with a 5 section pie chart (preferred output method) for us to look at the data. But now that same pie chart has 10 sections, and the data filter now has a series of sequential numbers in it. This is what I am referring to.
Has anyone experienced this before? Is it just that the question repose order was reversed? I am hoping it is really something that simple.

Is there seriously no one that can help answer this?

essex23 If you haven't already, I’d recommend reviewing this support page on results reports ( to help you get started. If you still have questions after reviewing the linked support pages, you'll want to reach out to the  Support team, as they are best equipped to help answer questions and provide support! 😁

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