Routing based on hidden question | XM Community
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How can I create routing based on hidden / dummy question?
I've got 2 blocks of questions (A and 😎. Block A is Loop&Merge with 7 visuals presented randomly to even sub-samples.
I need:

  • some of respondents answer only block B (1/8 of total sample)

  • some of respondent answer block A and than block B (7/8 of total sample)

I thought the best way to to this, is to create hidden question, with answers assigned randomly. And to put the routing on, displaying block A only to random respondents.
What do you thing, what would be the best way to do this?

I would create a randomizer in the survey flow with 8 embedded data blocks under it and show 1 of 8 evenly distributed. The embedded data blocks would set a value for displaying block A (e.g., 1 with displayA = 0 and 7 with displayA = 1). Then put block A under a branch: If displayA Equal to 1.

Rybkovsky That's a great question! Loop & merge can feel tricky at times
TomG Wonderful use of the randomizer and branching logic for this use case! 🙂

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