Same IP address | XM Community
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Hi! Some of my respondents have the same IP address, though they mention that they are from different organizations (i.e., different locations). Does that mean that this is one respondent filling out the survey multiple times?

Yes, you are correct it either means that two respondents used the same device or one respondent filled multiple times. Kindly check what's your setting for partial responses if it is set to record then it is advisable to keep the one response where Progress is 100%.
Nevertheless, it can happen, under rare circumstances, that two devices on a network end up with the same IP address, and when that happens it's called an IP collision.
Hope it helps! IP address recorded by Qualtrics is the public IP address. Users on the same private network (behind the same gateway) will have the same public IP address. So, different respondents and devices could have the same IP. You can't expect IP address to be unique among respondents.
It is curious is that they are supposedly in different locations and organizations. It might or might not be legit. For example, they could be using the same VPN provider.

Great job tag-teamming to provide another solution! You guys are awesome Deepak TomG 🙌

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