Sampling large numbers on Qualtrics | XM Community
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Hi All,

Our team is pretty new to Qualtrics and we are looking to sample big numbers of specific ids (external data references) without having to make a list each time.

When contacting support they said this was not possible but I wanted to check on here if anyone has any ideas?

Thank you in advance!

Support may be able to help, could you ask them about using either Directory contacts, lists, or automations? (I’m thinking list would be best?)

I work with a school district and we use our Student Information System to automate this information, but when this wasn’t set up for us yet, we had to use a list.

If your list of specific ID’s isn’t changing often, a list should work for you.  Where we ran into trouble with the list is that our student population could change daily, so we weren’t always accounting for the most recent group unless we uploaded a new list so when the automation was working, that was by far our best option.

The XM Directory allows for sampling right inside the platform. You’ll need to upload the list - either upload or automation. You establish your sampling criteria while establishing the distribution. 

I also think you can select samples out of your list. Create contact list and make multiple sample like 50%, 30% etc. 

Could someone provide more information on automation?

I am currently uploading lists and this is time consuming as well as not practical when handling personal data.

Hi @yaminaaloui
You can either integrate with a CRM system and setup workflows to automatically send people into Qualtrics:


Or automate via SFTP/HTTPS:

Thank you will look into both!

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