scoring gives wrong numbers (e.g. 42 instead of 5) | XM Community
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Hi everyone. I have just exported my manually scored survey responses (scores from 1 to 6). Instead of seeing my manually entered scores, I'm getting for instance a 42 instead of a 5 or a 39 instead of a 2. I'm using Qualtrics for quite a while now and have never encountered this problem. Is anyone able to help, please. Thanks very much, Fabiola

Maybe while turning on scoring it might have accidentally added 1 to every statement/question. Or there might be some operations going on in backend.
Better try to get value at every question using console.log() in JS of every question which will help you to identify the real issue behind.

thanks so much for your pointers. I'm not sure I know enough of JS to execute your suggested solution. But maybe I can find a colleague who does.

Fabi When you export, are you exporting "recoded values?" instead of the entries?

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