Scoring incorrect when I generate test responses but correct when I test using the preview mode? | XM Community
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Hi there,
I have a survey set up with scoring and survey flow programming. Without going into too much detail, multiple questions are scored and then responses combine together to rate a response as either HIGH or LOW or a handful of overarching attributes.
I am testing the scoring and survey flow and am using 'Generate test responses' to check the scoring is working correctly.
In the 100 responses I've generated automatically I can see that the scoring is not working correctly. I've checked over the scoring and survey flow multiple times and can't see an error.
When I test the survey manually using the Preview link option, the scoring works correctly.

Is there something about 'Generate test responses' that means it can't be used for checking scoring data? Or is this user error?

Good morning from a sunny Sweden!
I can't answer your question, but couldn't you do a live test with a couple of email addresses you have access to? I often use both my personal- and work emails to verify things are working as intended.
Just a thought :)

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