My survey project is using question blocks that are linked to corresponding library blocks. When I go to set-up the scoring in my survey project, it says that the blocks are "locked" and I'm unable to select any of the questions to include in a score category.
Is there a way around this?
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When you are using questions that are coming from your library, you have two choices: insert as linked block or insert as copy. If you insert as linked block, the scoring will be, indeed, blocked. THe workaround is to use ‘’insert as a copy’’ but it means that if you modify it in your survey, it’s no longer identical as the one in you library.
Thanks for your response @AlexandreLeduc.
However, I need the same scoring to be used whenever these question blocks are used across different surveys. My understanding is that the solution you’ve suggested will still lock the scoring into the survey where the block is inserted as a copy?
The scoring does not follow when you import a bloc of questions. Therefore, it might be better in your case to use ‘’insert as copy’’ so you have the same question label and you can go and manually add the scoring. From what I know, there is no way to have your scoring imported at the same time as the block of question itself.
No worries, that’s what I feared! Thanks for confirming :)