scoring reverse item doent work | XM Community
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I put together a survey that, among other things, examines 3 self-report tests. Each of the tests has reversed items. I used the advanced scoring option - I set the correct score for each reversed items. When I downloaded the data for analysis I noticed that the reversed items were not reversed according to my score setting. can someone know why?

Hi. I believe that Scoring will create a column in the dataset with the overall score, but the score for each individual item does not carry through to the data. 

If you want to reverse or otherwise edit the codes of certain answer choices, look into using Recode Values instead.

Hi, Thank you for your answer.

In other words, it means- that when I do a matrix table- I can’t record different values for the same choice in different items?

thank you again



Correct. If you want to assign different recode values for the same choice, you would need to set them up as separate questions instead.

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