Scoring the Multiple choice questions | XM Community
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Is there a way to give a score '1" to the respondents who answer all the choices correctly but a score of "0" to those who did not answer all the choices correctly?
I am setting a question where respondents are supposed to select two answers. If a respondent selects both the correct options, he/she will get 1. But if he/she selects only one correct option, he/she is not supposed to get any score for that.
Is there a way to customize it accordingly without using Js?

Thank you in advance for your response.

The way I would do it, is actually through embedded data in the Survey Flow.
Use branching to create a path/ condition (You'll see Add Below under the right question block - click that followed by Branch). Set the first condition to be your first combination of the right answers. Under that branch combination, add Embedded Data - you can create a variable called "Answer Correctness" and set that to "1". Repeat this branching for the correct amount of right combinations.
If you aren't familiar with Embedded Data through survey flow, this might be a bit hard, but definitely research this as its a lifesaver. You can then do things like branch people into questions only if they have "1" in their Embedded Data filed of "Answer Correctness". Their embedded data will be available for you to play with in dashboards and reports, etc.

Hi LenBarr,

Thank you for your response. Your response helped me a lot to solve the issue related to multiple-choice question scoring.

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