Security Concern: Sharing via Preview | XM Community
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We are in the process of revising our user types and security to attempt to reduce potential misuse, and several of our user types are going to have limited distribution capabilities (“build surveys only, no distribution” or “each survey capped at 100-200 responses”, for example). We have toggled all the relevant settings we can find, and the basic functionality is working as we’d expect. However, there doesn’t seem to be any way to disable or restrict the Preview option, and a Preview link can be sent to anyone, appears to be a legitimate link, and resulting responses are recorded (marked as Preview responses, but still recorded).

This feels like a rather large security gap, providing a loophole for users to get around distribution restrictions. Is there a way to toggle or restrict Previews that we’re not finding, or are there other solutions that you’ve implemented to address this?

Thank you,


@TedC Unfortunately, there isn’t a workaround for this, as previews are used to test the survey. Hence, isn’t counted as distribution. 

But you can definitely raise it as a feature request or contact Qualtrics support on the same.

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