Selecting questions for straight line quality check | XM Community
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The straightlining tool detects respondents who have straightlined several matrix questions in the questionnaire. However, it's a bit of a blunt instrument in that it evaluates all matrix questions, even those where straightlining would be a valid response.
My question is 'Is it possible to select which matrix questions are used in the straightlining evaluation?'

Hi there, I don't have this feature, but it looks like you should be able to use the Embedded Data Field "Q_StraightliningQuestions" to filter/do analysis around which specific questions are being straightlined.
Alternatively, you could create an Embedded Data field to serve as this indicator. If the count of a given scale point is equal to the number of statements, then that matrix question has been straightlined. If you create Branch elements for specific matrix questions that will only update Embedded Data fields when the count of any scale point is equal to the number of statements, then you can use the combination of these Embedded Data fields to indicate whether straightlining occurred or not. 
While it looks like the Qualtrics tool will only flag as straightlining if at least 3 likert matrix tables have been straightlined, the below example uses 2, with each having 5 scale points and 3 statements:

Hi Tom
That's a very smart solution and will work well for what I have in mind.
Thanks for putting the effort into responding, much appreciated!

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