Sending multiple surveys base on unique URL link | XM Community
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I'm in the process of creating my transactional surveys, so my main one is the post-order NPS sent after a member's order has been received. A member should not be able to answer the survey 2 times for the same order, but he will be able to answer 2 times for two separate orders. We use anonymous links and we've seen that the prevention of multiple responses is based solely on cookies and doesn't take into account the URL parameters added to an anonymous link (order ID etc). I therefore have the impression that if I want to question 1 member on two separate orders 2 months apart, for example, the person won't be able to answer the second time unless they've cleared their browser cookies/used another browser/opened the window in private browsing. This is very annoying in my case... Could you help me to remedy this?

Thanks in advance. 

Hi @Coraline.Deroletz  Could you let me know how the survey link is being sent to the customer?

Surveys are sent through Sales Force Marketing cloud.

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