Setting a condition how many times one experimental condition is shown | XM Community
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I'm doing a vignette study with 3x6 design. I have 6 scenarios that can all occur in 3 different conditions. One person sees all 6 scenarios, but it is randomised in which condition every scenario will be presented (e.g. first scenario in the second condition, second scenario in the first condition etc.).
The problem I have is: how to make sure it doesn't happen that one participant get e.g. all scenarios in the first condition? I want to make that every participant sees all three different conditions, at least once, and it is not important in which scenario. E.g. that would be the case if all three conditions show up twice (3x2=6). I already set the criterion that conditions are represented evenly within the scenario, but what I want is for all scenarios taken together.
Do you have any advice on this? Thank you!

Have you tried enabling evenly present elements in Randomizer you included?
Hope it helps!

Hey Deepak, thank you for your answer.
Unfortunately, I have already done that, but it only secures that conditions are evenly distributed within the scenario, but not among one participant. I hope I now explained myself better.

Can you post a picture of your survey flow?

Hey TomG, sure.
Screenshot_20221031_125008.jpg Where is the logic that defines the different conditions and how is it done?
BTW, 'Evenly Present Elements' doesn't have any impact if you are displaying all the elements.

I have the same query as TomG as you haven't set any conditions per se. The logic you are trying to configure and the survey flow you have configured do not match.

Hi again! I realised the logic cannot be seen from that picture. The thing is that I do intend to present all 6 scenarios, so I didn't use Evenly present items there. I used it here, inside of every scenario block, where I have 3 different options:
IMG_20221102_114258.jpgSo the problem is, how do I ensure that NK, WI and K occur at least in one of the six scenario blocks for participant X. Deepak

KatarinaK ,
Instead of randomly showing one question in the block, add display logic based on an embedded data field (e.g., condition). Then your survey flow would be like the following. For simplicity, I've reduced the scenarios from 6 to 2. Where I randomize 1 of 2 you would randomize 2 of 6. I've collapsed the last two conditions but they would be the same as the first except for the value of condition.

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