Setting Field Values in Loop & Merge | XM Community
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Hi there,
I have a survey where I am using loop and merge to show some text to participants and ask the same two questions for every piece of text. Right now, the survey is working great, but I am getting ready to run more of these same survey and am looking for a way to save time and avoid human error.
The text I'm using for the Loop & Merge comes from a csv and I have thousands of rows. Each piece of text has an associated ID in this csv.
As it is today, I can turn on Loop & Merge for a block and in the Field 1, I can simply copy and paste in all of my data from the csv. The qualtrics UI automatically detects the line breaks and splits each row of text into a new row for Field 1. When it does this, the row is assigned a value starting at 1 and counting up. These row values end up being used in the column names when I download the data. I would like to bring over the associated IDs from my csv to replace these values which makes analysis much easier for me. I'm sure there is a way to get the text shown instead of qualtrics generated numbers and use that to join back to my data, but I don't trust that would work (some of the text is very long with lots of special characters).
For the first survey, I manually click on the row number to edit and place in my ID. This survey had 350 rows and it took some time. I'm hoping to launch a lot more of these and am looking for a way to do this quickly. As easily as I'm able to copy and paste multiple rows from my CSV into the Field itself, this does not appear to work on the field value - when I do this, it does not recognize line breaks and pastes the full content of what I copied into a single row's field value.
Any ideas or tips? Attached is a screenshot of the field value that I'm trying to edit more easily.
Screen Shot 2021-03-30 at 1.13.33 PM.png

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