Setting up a large complex skip survey - preview blocks that appear later | XM Community
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I understand this may seem unusual, but here's the situation:

I've already set up blocks 1-50 and tested the logic and branch logic up to Block 50. Now, I want to set up blocks 51-70 and then 71-100 gradually, testing each part to ensure the logic is correct before proceeding further. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the branch logic, I can't create a dummy question at the beginning to skip past the initial blocks and preview from Block 51 onwards. Every time I preview, I have to go through blocks 1-50 again, which is quite cumbersome.

I've used another platform before where I could preview and start from any point in the setup page, making it easier to test part by part. I'm seeking suggestions to make the testing and checking process more efficient. Thank you for any assistance you can provide.


A workaround I can suggest involves adding a block at the top with a dummy multiple-choice question (Yes or No). Then, in the 'Survey Flow,' create branches with conditions: 'If Yes is selected,' add your blocks 1-50 there, and for 'If No is selected,' add the other blocks you wish to test. This setup allows you to select 'No' in the first question to test the other blocks, while blocks 1-50 remain hidden. Once testing is complete, you can remove the dummy question and this setup as well.

Let me know if this helps.

Thanks @Sachin Nandikol . It was something I considered . But I have trouble move entire chunk of blocks say 51 to 70 back down all at one after I have tested it without affecting the branch logic. The system only allow moving 1 block at a time . 

May I know how best I can to shift many blocks at one go? I am trying to discover features along the way. Thanks 


I understand that moving numerous blocks in the Survey Flow can be time-consuming. Here's another approach you can try:

1. Create your survey with all blocks and skip logic as required.
2. Create a 'Version' of your survey and save it.
3. In the Survey Builder, use the 'Move' option in each block to rearrange them accordingly. For example, move Block 51 to the top of the survey, then move Block 52 after Block 51, and so on.
4. Repeat this process for all blocks you need to rearrange.

This method allows you to easily reorder your blocks within the Survey Builder itself. Once testing is complete, you can revert to the previously saved 'Version' of your survey.

But be careful while doing this.

Let me know if this helps.

Thank you @Sachin Nandikol .

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