I’m trying to set up a Qualtrics form for local providers to use submit their quarterly outcomes reports for programs funded with grant money. They submit the outcome results quarterly. Previously, they filled these reports out using a Word doc/PDF. They would save each quarter’s documents using the last so the previous quarter’s outcomes would automatically be on their report. They would update the YTD numbers each quarter accordingly.
I’m wondering if there’s a way to set this up in Qualtrics so that when they go to fill out the second quarter’s outcomes, the first quarter outcomes they entered previously prepopulate. I’m thinking I’ll need to use piped text somehow, but am not sure how to do that from a previously completed, seperate survey. Or, it’s possible I need to set up the survey differently. Right now, I’m creating a seperate survey for each provider so that their unique goals and outcomes prepopulate as well. Any advice appreciated.