Side by side question | XM Community
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Hi All,
I want to create a question where respondent can single select 1 option from multiple categories. I used Side by side functionality for this. However, There is too much horizontal scrolling. Can we make this question in a vertical way?
Please refer below snapshot of what I have programmed.

image.png question doesn't have a mobile-friendly option; hence, this issue always appears. I recommend creating multiple matrix questions as they have an accordion mode on mobile or just multiple choice question type for mobile-friendly experience.
Hope it helps!

Using multiple matrix question on a same page is the last option I was thinking. Reason is I may have to keep question IDs enabled for this survey. So there will a visible QID between groups. Maybe I can display:none them using some JS.
BTW Thank you for reverting., you can always hide the question ids by using the hide function for the export tag.
Hope it helps!

Thanks Deepak 😊

Can you help here, as dipeshsingh isn't able to accept the answer.

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