Similar database of shops, district and region | XM Community
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I need to set up a similar database ... I need to create a flowchart of shops, district and region, so that I have updated information for current and historical transactions... these transactions are sent to qualtrics by Api from another connected system...

Can you help me with any idea of how to set up a database in Qualtrics?

@Aine  In Directory, the building block are Customers and Transactions, and all the shop, district, region are just a part of info in those transactions, where it happened. There’s no define set of shop, region for you to create or update via API, if you open a new store, you simply send in new value, if your store change the name, you have to bucket the old name with the new name, you either change the raw response data or filter and map them differently in your dashboard. All of the management effort have to be done within your database, not Qualtrics. Hope this help you

Hi @Nam Nguyen 

Thank you for your explication…

But the problem is that today in our Qualtrics we don't have armed neither shops nor district nor region, we need to add them and my question is oriented to where it is that I can assemble those ‘tables’ with data?

Hi @Nam Nguyen 

Thank you for your explication…

But the problem is that today in our Qualtrics we don't have armed neither shops nor district nor region, we need to add them and my question is oriented to where it is that I can assemble those ‘tables’ with data?

Hi @Aine 
You just add them in the Transaction that will trigger the Survey from now on and pull them in so each Response stick with a Transaction -

With historical transactions and responses, you have to track them back.
This kind of expansion is complex and involve your tech team a lot. It’s better to have someone who’s really good at Qualtrics to design this for you.
Hope I helped you clarify

Thank you @Nam Nguyen 


today we already have in the embedded data of each survey the shop, the district and the region for each transaction ...

But we would like to have all the shops, all the districts and all the regions in order to have updated transactions.

If we would have the shop flowchart updated within Qualtrics, we would always have the information of all current and previous transactions, in the current district/region.
The district and region is numerical and can change, because there might have been a reorganisation in Retail in terms of Districts and Regionals. For example, a regional resigned, so they reorganise the districts so that another district absorbs all their shops.

A proposal I found in Qualtrics is to create embedded data in the Directory and in the contacts... can you think of any other idea?


@Aine As I told you before

@Aine  There’s no define set of shop, region for you to create or update via API, if you open a new store, you simply send in new value, if your store change the name, you have to bucket the old name with the new name, you either change the raw response data or filter and map them differently in your dashboard.

You can’t bulk update them for the old one within the UI. You can only use API However, the transaction data already stick with your responses the moment it got recorded.

A proposal I found in Qualtrics is to create embedded data in the Directory and in the contacts... can you think of any other idea?

That’t not gonna help you. The embedded data is stick with the contact and will be updated (e.g age, loyalty rank, marriage status, etc...). Transaction data can do, it’s create a new one everytime (e.g Store, card value, payment type….)

You see, everything in Qualtrics is rotate around your CUSTOMER, not you. No flowchart of store hierachy or anything, as I said

 All of the management effort have to be done within your database, not Qualtrics. Hope this help you


@Aine Hi
I’ve just stumble upon a new thing in my sandbox and think that it can somehow serve your purpose.
Please checkout this Location Directory for more: Location Data Management (

Hi @Nam Nguyen 

Ahhh yessss I think this can help me .... I'm going to do some more research and I'll be back for more help ....

Thank you very much for finding in your ‘Pandora's box’.

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